I’m a design wannabe. I want to refashion, redecorate and redo.

To shift from stylishly-plain to remarkably chic... Moss Abode a la Mode.

It's Time

April 12, 2010

It's time I did something.  And I'm hoping blogging about it will keep me on task. 

I am starting my third blog.  Yep, that's right, THIRD!  And it's not one of those start and stop things -- I'm an active blogger and have been for almost 5 years, but I need this particular outlet to fuel my desire to transform my home. 

We bought our house in August 2008 after relocating to Arizona from San Francisco.  So, I'm sure you can imagine the vast emptiness moving from an 800 square foot apartment to a four-bedroom, 2200 square foot home on a 12,000 square foot lot.  We had all we needed as city-dwellers in our charming, one-bedroom Pacific Heights apartment; and in almost two years time, we've accumulated a lot of things that have lessened the echo in our house, but that's all it's been, an accumulation of stuff.  Granted, stuff we needed, but stuff nonetheless.

Now I'm ready to change that.  I want to refinish, repurpose, redecorate and redo.  Revitalize!!  I've slowly started researching ideas and it's gotten me very excited.  So excited, in fact, I want to buy tools!  Who am I?! 

I'm inspired by my mom (the DIY QUEEN) and many of the bloggers I've discovered in my design quest that are now listed in my blog roll.  Now I want design and DIY magazines,  I want to be on a first name basis with the folks at Home Depot,  I want to use Craigslist like I've never used it before!

We're not made of money, so this will be a slow transformation.  But that's fine by me.  It'll give me time to really think out what I want and how to make it happen.  And this will be where I document the journey.


Kara said...

And like stuff for other people too - I really need a desk!

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